Self-Care Sunday Ideas for Energy Healers
As an energy healer, Sundays have become my sacred reset. I step away from the constant demands of life, tend to my energy, and reconnect with my purpose. I love the idea of setting one day aside for intentional care, but it hasn’t always been easy for me to prioritize.
I used to believe that self-care was about checking off a list of tasks like meditating, drinking water, or journaling. It wasn’t until a particularly overwhelming season in my life that I realized self-care can't be approached as another thing on my to-do list.
Creating space to recharge your spirit and realign with your energy is an art. Since I began honoring my Sundays with a heavy dose of self care, I’ve noticed a dramatic difference in how grounded and energized I feel going into the new week.
To create a powerful self care Sunday, begin by asking yourself, “How do I want to feel by the end of today?” Let that guide your choices.

There were Sundays when I’d lie on the couch, scrolling through social media, feeling guilty for not “doing” enough. I’d tell myself that resting was lazy or indulgent, and I’d power through laundry or emails instead of slowing down.
But that always felt off. My energy was scattered and racing. I was giving and giving but never stopping to receive. Can you relate?
One Sunday, I decided to try something different. I asked myself:
"What would it feel like to gift this day to myself, without guilt or pressure?"
That question created a huge shift.
Now, Sundays are my time to honor my energy, reflect on the week, and realign with the vision I’m creating. I hope Sundays can be the same for you as well, if they aren't already.
If I'm working on a Sunday, I always designate another day to be my "Sunday" for the week. These holistic activities (below) have brought me peace, and I hope they inspire your Sundays, too.
To create your Self Care Sunday, begin with one anchor activity, and then allow yourself to say no to anything else structured, just noticing what comes up for you in the day when you have lots of free time to reflect.

A Morning Hike to Clear Your Mind
When my energy feels heavy, a walk outside can be the perfect reset. I walk with the intention of clearing my mind and letting go of what I can’t carry anymore.
One Sunday morning, after juggling back-to-back client sessions all week and managing my son’s car rides (he was too young to drive), I found myself on edge. I was drained, irritable, and I needed space, but I also felt as a mom like I shouldn't step away.
I laced up my sneakers, stepped outside, and started walking briskly. The air was crisp, the leaves crunched underfoot, and with every step, I imagined my stress falling away. By the time I got home, I was ready to face life again with a clear mind and open heart.
Nature helps us release emotional heaviness and reconnect with our energy. Walking intentionally on a park trail, or your own neighborhood, can clear what no longer serves you and create room for what does.
These simple acts are rituals, and they're powerful for healing our energy but we don't often think about them because it's too easy.
Have you ever noticed how stepping outside changes things for you?
Think of your favorite place in nature and ask yourself: When was the last time I allowed that place to nurture me?
This Sunday, give yourself that gift.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” —John Muir

I took this picture of Armstrong Woods, where we do healing work during our annual Reiki Master Training retreat.
Vision Boards and Tea for Self-Care Sundays
Sunday mornings often find me sitting with a cup of herbal tea and my planner, open in front of me. I’ll gather a few magazines, snip images and words that inspire me, and create a small vision board to set the tone for my week ahead.
This ritual wasn’t always easy for me to prioritize, and sometimes I still struggle. Like so many women, I’ve spent years pouring energy into others: work, family, friends. For the longest time, I thought slowing down to dream for myself was selfish. But it’s not selfish; it’s sacred. Vision boards are a way I ask myself, “What do I want my life to feel like?” and creating my visual map to get there.
Vision boarding works because it connects your conscious desires with your subconscious mind. By choosing images, phrases, and symbols that resonate, you’re essentially reprogramming your brain to focus on your goals.
Neuroscience tells us that the brain processes visual input 60,000 times faster than text, which makes visualizing your goals incredibly effective for creating clarity and focus.
As Dr. Joe Dispenza writes, “When you imagine yourself being successful, your brain has no idea you’re just pretending. It begins to lay down the neural pathways that make it easier for you to create that reality.”
Some Sundays, I’ll center my vision board around a theme, like peace or abundance. I’ll snip photos of waterfalls, hands holding golden coins, or bright sunrises. It’s amazing how these small images trigger so much positivity. By the time I’m done, it feels like my soul has had a chance to stretch and dream.

By the way, here are some of my current favorite tea blends for Self-Care Sundays that you can try out while you're unwinding, each with its own energy:
Tulsi cinnamon rose for heart peace and emotional balance. ❤️
Lavender chamomile to relax the nervous system.
Dandelion and nettle for gentle organ support and detox.
Green tea with roasted brown rice (genmaicha) for grounding and focus.
Cacao and ashwagandha for creativity, relaxation and adrenal balance.
Okay back to vision boards!
You can create your mini vision board at home spread out on the floor, or in a busy coffee shop filled with laughter. The important thing is to create an experience that will nourish you.
Ask yourself: What images, symbols, or words are calling to you right now? How can you anchor those desires visually to invite them into your life?

The above is a picture of an actual vision board art book you can purchase on Amazon if you want a quick reference for images to fill up your planner or vision board.
Ground Your Spirit with Ritual
My home has always been a reflection of my energy. Sometimes my house looks like a tornado has blown through it. My laundry is piled high, dishes in the sink, and my paperwork is scattered everywhere. It mirrors how I'm doing then, which is usually chaotic, scattered, and drained. I don’t always have the energy to tackle it all, so on Sundays, I start small.
I light a candle, put on some soft music, and chose one area, usually the coffee table. Clearing that space gives me the energy to keep going. I wrote another article on cleaning, clearing, and spiritual house cleansing, years ago, but it's still relevant today. You can check that out too, for more inspiration.
I’ve found so much inspiration in Marie Kondo’s philosophy of creating a home that sparks joy. She treats tidying as a conversation with the objects in your space. I've learned from her, and now I often expressing gratitude for items as I put them away, give them away, or toss them in the trash.
Over the past few years I've been working to clear the subtle hoarding tendencies I’ve inherited. Marie Kondo's work reminds me that my home is where my spirit rests, dreams, and grows.
Like Marie (yeah, she and I are on a first name basis in my mind), I remind myself that through cleaning, I'm creating an environment that can hold me rather than draining me.
Reflect: What’s one small area in your home that could bring you joy if it felt clearer? Start there on Self Care Sunday, and see how your energy shifts.

Creative Planning for Holistic Balance
In case you didn't know, I'm a totally geek when it comes to planners. I love them. And being creative in them is one of my favorite ways to reconnect with myself. I’ll spend a few hours planning my season in my Franklin Covey planner, weaving in some of the joyful elements I loved from my Happy Planner days, like colorful pens, stickers, and bullet journal prompts.
(Honestly I don't know why Franklin Covey doesn't expand beyond the older-middle aged business market and introduce more creativity into their planners. Can someone explain this one to me?)
My planner ritual is like a love letter to my future self. I think about the energy I want to carry into the weeks ahead, and I use colors, symbols, and even doodles to bring that vision to life. Sometimes I'll write poetry or inspiration into days I know are likely to be challenging.
I treat my planning process like a meditation. Creative planning helps me organize my tasks while staying connected to my larger vision. It turns what could feel routine into a joyful ritual of alignment.
When I find myself struggling to face my planner (which is fairly often in the big picture) it's usually a sign that I'm not grounded. I'll take a nap, go for a walk on the beach, and then revisit. It usually works.

Evening Reflections for Inner Peace
Most nights I end with reflection, but on Sundays I make more of an intentional effort. I’ll light a single candle on my altar, close my eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Sometimes I journal about what I’m grateful for; other times, I’ll ask myself questions:
What energy do I want to carry into the week?
What am I ready to let go of?
I think it was Marie Forleo (yeah another Marie) who once said she begins a successful day, the night before. I’ve learned that writing down my intentions in the evenings usually creates more momentum for me the next morning.
For an entire year, I took on the mantra of “I am enough,” and wrote it in as many creative ways as possible in my planner, and in my affirmations journal. Sometimes words become lifelines. This simply mantra has pulled me back to my center so many times when I'm feeling doubt. Sunday evenings are where I re-center into these awarenesses.
Making time for reflection, even if it's in the last breath before you drift off to sleep, will help you reset for the new week.
“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.” —Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Hold Space For Yourself
Sundays are my time to come back to myself, to care for my spirit, and to prepare for the week ahead with intention. The things I've shared have helped me nurture my energy and align with my purpose.
If you feel like your self-care rituals could use a spark, I’d love to connect with you. I truly believe your self-care is the foundation of the life you’re creating. If you’d like a little support to create a self-care process perfect for you, let’s connect for a free self-care conversation. We can talk about what nourishes you, where you’re feeling stuck, and how to create a life that feels deeply aligned.
Reach out, and let’s see where your path can lead with just a little extra love and intention.
Here’s to a Sunday that fills your spirit and lights your path.
