Hi friends! I'm so excited to announce Reiki Master Training this SUMMER! Reiki Master training is a combo of online and in person training. I've been working for the past few days on slowly updating aspects of the member portal in prep for this training, so if you haven't logged in to your membership space, do it today! Or message me if you're not sure how!
THIS MONTH at HEALING HEART REIKI our events include:
❤️ Reiki Group Healing: Keeping Sacred Fire (5/07 Via Zoom) - always on the 1st Saturday, become confident in your healing skills with a light-clearing meditation followed by healing in a group format. Dailey will also offer channeled wisdom about how to keep your sacred soul fire alive and strong!
❤️ Learn About Your Lineage (5/16 Zoom/Online) - Today is OFFICE HOURS! We have a focus theme: Learn About Your Lineage! We’re exploring your lineage today, and telling stories about the Reiki Masters who came before you! If you’ve had questions about the History of Reiki, or you LOVE history as much as Dailey, you don’t want to miss this!
❤️ Reiki 1 Training (5/21 & 5/28 Zoom/Online) -Learn the basics of meditation, clearing negative mindset, and healing yourself and others in this beginning level Reiki class. You will leave as a certified Reiki 1, and beautiful healing.
That's all, folks! Everything else I'm doing this month is in prep for Reiki Master! I am ALSO continuing to offer life and business coaching. Hope to see you soon!
blessings, Dailey

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: www.SantaRosaReiki.com