"Summer afternoon--summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." --Henry James
Hello Dear Friends,
To me summer is that delightful time of year during which everything seems to stretch and grow longer in the heat. Suddenly there's time in the day to wander down to the bookstore JUST to flip through 3 or 4 magazines. It feels as if I have all the time in the world.
Here at Healing Heart Reiki, I'm preparing for this summer's Reiki Master TRAINING 2024. Each year brings a very different frequency of healing in our trainings. After a decade of Reiki master trainings I'm still delighted by the students I meet and the incredible things we learn together.
This year feels like it's about allowing the blossoming of our truest self, unfurling from within. And I'm totally ready for that!

Frankly dear reader, last month was hard. My health karma has been a beast of its own this past year. Having done this work for some time, I see the patterns, something I learned how to do through Reiki; My lungs get issues when I'm not allowing grief to flow through me and ground into the earth; my throat closes up when I'm not speaking my truth to the right people; my sweet tooth kicks in when I haven't allowed enough space for love and sweetness in other parts of my life.
I don't hold any judgement about these realizations. This is all just a part of being a beautiful fallible human.
I ALSO see with some quiet pleasure how over the past several years I've become better at speaking my truth, honoring my feelings, and creating beauty in my life.

So much of that deep appreciation and deeper peace has been the result of my Reiki training and personal practice. If you'd like to join me in receiving your Reiki Master initiation this summer, there's still time to jump aboard.
June features has self-paced work online, followed by an incredibly fun healing weekend of initiations for new Reiki Masters in July.
Message me for details! I'd be happy to connect.
AND.... if you're not yet ready for Reiki Master, join my in-person Reiki 2 training at the end of June, OR reach out to me about online offerings this summer! ❤️
I'll share more as the month progresses. In the meantime, reach out... And I hope you have a beautiful start to your summer, this month!
Reiki love & blessings,
PS: This month's calendar is below....

❤️ 6/1 REIKI SHARE: Join us online for a group meditation followed by paired distance healing and teachings from Dailey & Friends! Saturday 3/2 @ 10AM Zoom
❤️ 6/6 NEW MOON IN GEMINI: Check my socials or join my newsletter for details.
❤️ 6/20 SUMMER SOLSTICE: First Day of Summer! This is also the longest day of the year. Check my socials or join my newsletter for more details on how to work with summer solstice energy in your healing.
❤️ 6/21 FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN: Check my socials or join my newsletter for details
❤️ 6/29 REIKI 2 TRAINING & CERTIFICATION: Learn the basic of sound healing, working with guides, and more, in this level 2 IN PERSON class. Details here.
❤️ REIKI MASTER TRAINING 2024: is open for registration NOW, for our Summer Session. If you're interested, message me and I'll reach out to you. 🙂
❤️ PRIVATE SESSION HEALING: I am seeing clients via zoom for intuitive life coaching and energy healing. Looking to clear overwhelm so you can finally jumpstart that career or life change you've been thinking about? Ready to release stress for lightness of being, and an organized approach to your future? Let’s talk.
Reiki love & blessings,
Dailey Little, RMT
Healing Heart Reiki
Classes | Coaching | Mentorship

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: www.SantaRosaReiki.com