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The Healing Heart Chronicles

Oct 16, 20113 min read
Developing Psychic Intuition with Reiki
Sometimes people ask me if doing Reiki will make them a psychic ninja. Will Reiki open your intuitive senses? Will it allow you to have...

Oct 6, 20112 min read
Reiki and Flower Essences
One of the things I love about Reiki is that it goes well with just about every healing modality I've ever come across. I often pair...

Sep 23, 20112 min read
Reiki and Charging Objects
Can you charge objects using Reiki? Yes! Hold the object in your hand and send Reiki into the object using intention. Some of my favorite...

Sep 15, 20111 min read
The Three Precepts of Reiki
The Receiver Must Take Responsibilty for the Healing: I firmly believe that I am not the Healer. You are the healer. I simply provide a...

Aug 14, 20112 min read
Reiki and Kids
Can Reiki be used on Children? Should it be? How can it help? Why? Yes, use Reiki on children! Children often love receiving Reiki...

Jul 31, 20113 min read
How To Meditate
My clients often ask me how to meditate. My quick answer is, "Just begin!" Find a book, an ipod app, or a quiet spot beneath a tree and...

Jul 3, 20112 min read
The Path of Reiki
People often ask me, "What is Reiki?" I usually explain that Reiki is a Japanese word which, translated into English, means something...

Jun 11, 20112 min read
A Reiki Treatment for Back Pain
A Reiki Treatment for Back Pain A backache is something that anyone of any Reiki level can offer to ease. If you are Reiki-attuned,...

Jun 5, 20114 min read
What is Your Work?
"Just for today, devote yourself to your work." What is that work? What is the work that moves you all the way to the bottom of your...

May 29, 20113 min read
If I told you Appreciation was magic, would you believe me? Well, it is. In Usui's poem, he says, "Be Filled with Gratitude." In fact,...

Mar 27, 20113 min read
Stopping the Worry
"Just for today, Do Not Worry." ~Usui Worry is a very human process. It starts in our minds, but it has an incredible power to infiltrate...

Mar 23, 20113 min read
I Will Not Anger
“Just for today, I will not anger.” ~ Mikao Usui The quote from Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki, comes from his well known poem titled Just...
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