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What To Wear As An Energy Healer or Practitioner

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

When I was first beginning my Reiki practice, I used to wonder what to wear as a practitioner. Maybe my concerns were the last dregs of my previous work as a Costume Designer in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area. Either way, I felt that energy healing should have a certain "look." Over the years I've learned a few practical things about healing work and how to dress. I hope you find these tips helpful!

Black woman with curly hair up-do, elegant makeup, beige mock turtleneck tank top, wide brown leather belt and long navy crepe skirt standing in front of an ornate wooden door

Be You

When I first began, I felt the strong compulsion to "Dress the part" of healer. In my mind that mean a sharp white suit, like many professional practitioners I saw on webcasts and on TV. The "corporate healer" look was a trope that popped up instantly the moment I imagined doing healing. I also envisioned long sweeping skirts, too much jewelry, and red lipstick, as an alternative. Although I do in fact tend to dress that way most of the time anyways, it's thanks to my costume design years that I resisted the temptation to make a parody of my healing attire.

It's really important to just BE YOU. Energy healing is the extension of your own life experiences as an embodied human on this planet. Even though you are channelling universal life force, part of its powerful expression is the fact that life force is flowing through your human vessel.

Choose Your Power Clothing

My own clothing choices have reflected my own personal experiences. In my spiritual traditions in which I was raised, wearing "all white" is a powerful way to deflect negative energy and maintain clear energetic focus. When I'm in the process of a personal life clearing, or when I'd just like a little more power, focus, and positivity, I tend to wear all white. Now, that doesn't mean you need to wear all white, but think of your own past experiences... Are there certain outfits that for you, put you right into your place of power and ease? That is the silhouette of clothing you will want to wear when you are holding healing sessions for others.

Another clothing example--I have found that long open skirts give me space to move with ease. When they are colorful, I catch glimpses of that while healing, and it puts me in a positive festive mood. For me, when I choose my wardrobe on a healing day, I'm likely to choose long, colorful skirts for this reason. If I'm managing a lot of excess energy, I may choose more muted colors like gray, brown, or black.

Think about the colors that invigorate you, and inspire you. What are the colors and clothing styles that creatively reflect who you really are?

Always Go For Comfort

Finally, always go for comfort. When you are holding session space, you may be standing for long periods of time. I learned over many sessions that on hard floors I prefer shorts shoes that have a good cushion. If I'm outside on earth, I really love going barefoot. Beyond that, sandals tend to tire my feet out after standing. And heels are out fo the question, haha. What shoes make the most sense for you?

Pants with tight waistbands that cut off circulation, or shirts with itchy fabric, will take their toll over time. Choose clothing that feels really comfortable for you like a second skin. I tend to like natural fibers (cotton, hemp), or blends. I find that that they conduct energy better, and wick moisture if I get hot and begin to sweat, without creating funk. For this reason, I'm often found in cotton shirts, tank tops, "peasant" skirts, or even cotton-poly yoga pants with a tunic top. These aren't fancy expensive outfits.

Okay, honestly, I DO love dressing up. And I HAVE had my share of fancy expensive dresses, with wide belts and dangling jewelry, photo-op ready. However, our work as practitioners is not to be photo-ready, it's to feel glorious, centered, grounded, comfortable in our self esteem, and present for our clients. So all of my fancy dresses only pass muster, if I can touch my toes with ease, sit comfortably, and spontaneously dance around without getting too tangled.

Black fashionable woman in elegant  long skirt and tank top with the words How to Dress As A Reiki Healer

Smell Good

Yes, really! I know it sounds funny, but when you're holding a healing space, you're in intimate proximity with others. It's a good idea to make sure that the clothing you're wearing is freshly washed. Style your hair with minimal strong smells for the sake of your clients. It's a good idea to dial down the use of heavy perfumes, because we react differently to smell when we're in a quiet, enclosed space, being still. You don't want to rely on heavy perfumes or deodorants to mask odors. It's a better idea to be freshly washed, to use deodorant (or a salt crystal), and to make sure your clothing isn't holding strong odors.

Finding Your Style

I do think there's something to be said for discovering a style that inspires you. Even though healing work is an internal process, how we hold ourselves in that sacred healing space can also be a part of the inspiration that allows our clients to go deeper. I don't need to do this in a contrived way; it's really just about emanating who you are, in all of your authentic glory.

The next time you go to a bookstore, review books on fashion or personal style. Flip through the magazine rack to see if there are looks that inspire you. I like to keep a Pinterest board of clothing styles that inspire me. While none of them show up in my healing office, they've helped me to identify what I truly enjoy when I'm out shopping, or when I'm creating a look for healing work, ceremony, or ritual.

I've done healing work in a bathing suit on the beach, and in suit in a busy office. It's ultimately not about what you're wearing. But when given the choice, it can amplify your confidence. Most days, I wear long skirts and simple tops; stretchy pants and tunic-tops; long cotton dresses or maxi dresses; and if I'm getting into velvets and brocades for some special working, I've always got something soft and stretchy beneath so I can change at a moment's notice.

Do you have favorite clothing lines for healing wear? Come join our Facebook Community to compare notes about All Things Healing! ❤️


Photograph of Dailey Little, Reiki Master in Sonoma County

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:

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Unknown member
Jun 14, 2021

Dailey, I love your Pinterest board! And the advice to BE ME!! I am queen of changing my outfit five times in a morning until I feel comfortable 🤣 But, I'm learning what I like and it's getting easier. I'm going to try the Pinterest boards to find style that inspires me.

Unknown member
Jun 15, 2021
Replying to

I am an outfit-changer too, haha, but it's so fun! I'm glad you're enjoying my Pinterest board :-) and I hope you find some beautiful inspiring wear for summer! I'm totally on the lookout for some fun summer dresses...

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