Do you suffer from bad headaches? Reiki works really well for some people, and there are simple techniques that increase its effectiveness in laying on of hands. As a practitioner, or even in self-Reiki, these tips are great to know.
If you feel a headache or migraine coming on, place the palms of the hands over the temples and send Reiki. Focus on the 2nd symbol(SHK) if you have been level 2 attuned or above. For small headaches, 5-20 minutes is often enough. You can also place hands intuitively over any areas of the head that feel tight, or tense.
If the migraine was caused by overstimulation of the eyes because of:
too much light
over-use of technology
extended reading and studying
--Then a good next step is placing your right hand over the eyes, and left hand over the occipital lobe at the back of the head; this is where the visual processing occurs.
For the type of migraine that is already moving down into the rest of the body, I begin with the above and then lay hands at the back of the heart chakra. This helps release the emotional processes we may be hiding from ourselves.
Lastly, sending reiki into the feet by laying hands on the tops and bottoms of the feet helps bring all of that energy that has pooled in the head, down towards the earth for release. This can help distribute flow, reducing the effects of the migraine.
My absolute favorite modality to incorporate with Reiki when I'm helping loved ones with migraines, is massage. I have found that incorporating a gentle massage of the spine and feet along with the Reiki can increase overall well-being. The Usual Suspects (dark room, water, cool rag, silence, rest), should also be incorporated.
There are many different reasons that people get migraines. If you experience frequent migraines and you don't know why, feel free to call me and we can discuss the emotional energetic ramifications and how to process them with Reiki.
Do you have any recommendations for dealing with migraines? Any special tips? Please share your ideas in the comments below so we can all benefit!
(yes, you! Don't be shy! You may save someone's head! )

© 2012 Dailey Little. DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: www.SantaRosaReiki.comYou are welcome to reproduce this article provided you do so in its entirety, including the copyright.