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2020 Reflections

Updated: May 21, 2022

When I look back at this year, there have been truly special moments at Healing Heart Reiki. We did events like the Shamanic Retreat, where we took a short hike to a wooded area and learned about healing outdoors with the Earth. Then later in the summer, I repeated the same class at Isis Oasis, surrounded by exotic birds and wildcats. As an Ordained Priestess, I still remember the many months I spent talking or working with Lady Loreon in the office, and our shared conversations about what it means to be a Priestess. It was so powerful to return with some of you, sharing the beauty of this special place.


There were some events I had to cancel due to Covid-19; all of our intimate, in-person Reiki Trainings here at the Gray Victorian transitioned completely online in 2020! It took a few classes to find a real flow, but I'm happy about the last several trainings, and I've been so happy to welcome new students into our love nest. I look forward to creating more online work next year, and finding ways for it to be impactful, intimate, and interesting!


As I prepare for Reiki Master Training 2021, I look to this past year as a guide. Our training was multi-media, but our retreat was in-person, and it felt AMAZING to see people in the flesh. I loved being at the ocean with these newest Reiki Masters. This may sound silly, but everyday I think of every single person I’ve attuned in Reiki Master. I wish them so much love, and I imagine that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to. I continue to love the gifts of Reiki and the compassionate, enlightening people it brings to me. I learn so much from you.


So many of you reached out with prayers and thoughts for me when Black Lives Matter really began to take center stage this year. That also filled me with so much thankfulness. Racism can be scary to talk about because it brings up shame and complex emotions in people of all ethnicities. I feel especially thankful for those of you who took time and effort to share your thoughts or support around racial bias and systemic racial bias. I also honor those of you who may not agree with my philosophies, but who opened a dialogue nonetheless to share ideas and find a common bridge. This year saw me—and Healing Heart Reiki—more publicly political than I’ve ever been. I did lose clients and readers who don’t want to hear about ‘these things,’ but I will continue to weave activism and education slowly into my body work, because I was raised in political-spiritual activism, and it’s a part of myself I’ve largely kept from Healing Heart Reiki.


You have shared so much of your life with me this year through emails, phone calls, and social media shoutouts. I also noticed some of you connecting with each other, both through our social media events like Reiki Traders, but also on your own. So many of us took trips to nature in order to heal. Many of us had loved ones pass away, and most of us struggled with depression in some form, but we all continued to heal and grow in resilience and insight.


A few Healing Heart Reiki Wins:

+ Starting a Youtube Channel in response to those who requested.

+ Creating a Members Portal on the website where you can access your past classes for free (access from the Purple Bell, or the bottom of the classes page)

+ Moving out of our Sebastopol location, and moving private sessions online

+ Doing a few awesome online summits

+ FREE classes weekly in the Success Circle all year

+ Our first two special topics interviews (on anatomy energy, and being a musician)


Many of my biggest community plans, like many other parts of the year, fell gently along the wayside, unripened fruit that was culled before harvest. It's okay. We have time.

I am enjoying the quiet. I’m happy to be home with my child, reflecting on my relationships, and preparing for the next year. I've planned a New Year's Kickoff and a Vision Board Party to help all of us get aligned in 2021. My focus on human connection, support, and communication.

I’ve loved, loved, loved my work with my private clients. I’ve LOVED the deep format of 3 month packages for 1-on-1 work. And I feel so very blessed that I have grown alongside my clients, becoming more conscious of my shadows, and more delicate but true in my words. I’ve seen them accomplish so much, and it inspires me to no end.

This was a memorable year. It’s the kind of year future generations will talk about. I hope you’ll continue to welcome healing energy into your life every day as we close out the year. Be blessed and safe this holiday season, and I will see you soon!




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