This week's NEW MOON in ARIES on April 19th is our second Aries New Moon in a row. Yep, life is turning up the heat and asking us to really start fresh on matters, and even to re-invent ourselves if that's what it takes to do life OUR WAY! There is only one YOU!
New Moons are a great time for setting intentions, stretching your growth, and making the most of life. With fiery Aries lending its support, where is your focus going over the next few days? Do you have short projects you'd like to tear through in a burst?
For some ReikiHearts, this moon may bring about needed shifts in love relationships with ourselves and others. As we charge through spring, you may be realizing that your desires and needs are important, and that it's time to make sure you are being met equally in the vision of what you want your relationships to be. Well pull out some Aries sass and enjoy the next two weeks leading up to a sensual Full Moon in Scorpio and the Solar lovers' holiday of Beltane.
For now, it's all about you Babe.

PS: If you just want MORE, check out last month's MOON IN ARIES where I talk even more about this vibe.

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: