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MAY 2023 Events & Classes @ Healing Heart Reiki

Blessed May, friends! May kicked off really fast with the Beltane holiday, and in that rush I forgot to post the events for the month! So here they are, beginning May 10th:



❤️ TUESDAY LIVE (5/9) - Do you feel like the world is spinning off-kilter and you're figuring out how to approach life in the most aligned, elevated, and compassionate way possible? Check out this interview with Vicchi Oleski of Embodied Spirit Work.

❤️ MAY STUDENT Q&A (5/15 @ 12noon)- Held on zoom, we gather to answer questions and explore the intricacies of Reiki, shamanic, or spiritual practice. All questions welcome. Present & past students can sign up here.

❤️ EMBODY PURPOSE (5/20) - This in person afternoon event brings together 3 master healers for talk, tools, and exercises that can be used again and again, as you forge your spirit led path in the 21st century. Whether you are a spiritual entrepreneur, a newbie to spiritual & personal development, or an advanced practitioner, there is space for you in this beautiful circle. Come join us! Register here.

❤️ SPIRITUALITY TO SUCCESS SUMMIT (tba)- I'll be interviewed by the fabulous and magical Natasha Senkovich for this online healing Summit on abundance and personal growth. The last summit was fantastic, and this one will be full of surprises. Stay tuned and I'll update this page with the registration link for you soon.

❤️ DISTANCE REIKI SHARE (6/3) - We have a monthly Distance Reiki Share online the 1st Saturday of every month, for students and newbies alike. You do not need to be a student of Dailey's in order to attend. All are welcome. This is a great way to keep your practice alive.

❤️ REIKI 1 TRAINING (6/4) - Yes I know this is for June, but save the date! The first Sunday in June we'll been our 30 day healing course of Reiki 1 Training. We meet 3 times on zoom in the month, and you'll learn how to heal yourself and others. Details here.

Now if you're not on my newsletter you're likely missing out, because I just sent out a May astrological forecast there, with some quick insights on how to work energetically with the Mercury retrograde and direct motions, eclipse season, full moon in scorpio, and other energies available to us this month.

This is a time of immense creativity, and if you've needed some re-sets in your life, you can take advantage of these energies to bring new paradigms into being.

Thanks for hanging out with me this month! If you have questions about classes, or are curious about private session coaching or mentorship, please reach out! I'm a pretty casual person and we can talk or text about what's on your mind.




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DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:

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