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March 2022 Events @ Healing Heart Reiki

Updated: May 21, 2022

THIS MONTH at HEALING HEART REIKI our events include our first in-person event of the year, and some lovely online offerings:

❤️ Develop Your Spiritual Power Summit (3/2-14) - Dailey (that's me!) is guest speaking at a summit on developing spiritual power. It is free to join. Come raise your vibes!

❤️ Reiki SHARE (3/5 Via Zoom) - always on the 1st Saturday, become confident in your healing skills with a light-clearing meditation followed by hands-on healing in a group format.

❤️ Healing with Crystals: Online Training & Crystal Retreat (3/06-3/13 Online) - Learn practical techniques for working with crystals that you can apply to your own stones, and in a variety of healing circumstances.

❤️ Reiki 1 Extended 4 Week Training (starts 3/08 Zoom/Online) - learn the basics of meditation, clearing negative mindset, and healing yourself and others in this beginning level Reiki class. You will leave as a certified Reiki 1, and beautiful healing.

❤️ OFFICE HOURS: Q&A and Spring Equinox ZOOM PARTY (3/21 Zoom) - Today is the Spring Equinox! How can we NOT have a party! 😊 This hour is going to fly by, so come on time! It's time to pull out the oracle cards for some quick readings to set the tone for your next season. We'll answer all of your outstanding class questions as well, and... hmm can we do an easter egg hunt on zoom? Haha! We'll find out!

❤️ Beach Cleanup(South Salmon Beach) - Please join us for our FIRST beach cleanup of the year! "Be the Change You Wish To Sea. . . " (Yes, pun intended!) Come clean up the oceanside with other likeminded people. Whether you pick up five pieces of trash as you play frisbee or 3 garbage bags full doesn't matter. Bring your presence and awareness! Our "energy work" is simply the act of cleaning the beach in thanks.

blessings, Dailey


DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:

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