THIS MONTH at HEALING HEART REIKI is pretty light. To me, August is the month of outdoor sunshine, heat, last minute vacations, and the first round of shopping for basics, as the fall season looms just out of reach.

After watching pieces of the Olympics last week, I feel life is continuing to unfold, and people everywhere may still be uncertain about the course of the year, but they are finding ways to open their own lives back up to the magic of living.
August feels like a perfect month for nurturing our minds and hearts with our favorite myths and childhood stories. It's a good month for small adventures that allow us to reclaim faith in all of the possibilities that our lives have to offer.
Here at Healing Heart Reiki, a summer full of teaching Reiki basics has reminded me of how valuable our relationships with other people are. We learn so much simply by connecting with each other, and sharing who we really are.
At home, I've spent time deep-cleaning and tending our home. I think often of the Goddess Hestia, the Greek Goddess of the Hearth who reminds us to stoke the sacred, eternal fire of our creativity and life force.

I watch my teenaged son growing, and find myself reflecting on the turning points of own early youth. I feel an inner maturation as a mother, this summer, and I can't help but wonder how that will affect my outer world and healing practice in the months to come! It's an exciting feeling.
To hold the sacred space for more dreaming and creating, I've scaled back on classes for August, focusing instead on my private clients and fresh offerings in development.
❤️ Reiki SHARE (8/7 Via Zoom) - become confident in your healing skills with a light-clearing meditation followed by hands-on healing in a group format.
❤️ Reiki 1 Training (8/15 & 8/22 Online) - learn the basics of meditation, clearing negative mindset, and healing yourself and others in this beginning level Reiki class. You will leave as a certified Reiki 1, and beautiful healing.
❤️ Virtual Office Hours (8/16) - available on zoom for past and present students, drop in to ask Dailey your questions and get support for staying on track with healing goals. Check your member portal class for details. Or send me a message.
❤️ Reiki Master Training 2021 Zoom Support - HHR Reiki Master 2021 Graduates gather for zoom meetings to help anchor the experience of Reiki Master✨
The Facebook group has been a really happening place for the summer, and I'm enjoying our sharing-threads about spirit guides, affirmations, and healing. I've also continued to toy with a brand new Youtube page, and that has been both educational and fun!
If you have questions about my healing practice, or the Reiki community, please feel free to send me a message. I love meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends and students alike. I hope you're enjoying the summer!
blessings, Dailey

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: