Have you felt the energy of 2025 yet? Each year I like to calculate the numerology at the start of the year, as it gives yet another way to center our energy and reflect on the powerful ways we can move through the year.
Numerology teaches us that this is a 9 year (2+0+2+5 = 9), and 9 is the number of completion, wisdom, and letting go.
This year you're clearing what no longer serves you, making space for what’s next, and reflecting on the journey, since your last "9" year in 2016.
In a 9 year, we’re asked to pause and ask big questions:
❤️ What am I ready to release?
❤️ What have I learned from my experiences?
❤️ How can I carry this wisdom forward with grace and clarity?
It's good to ask these questions in order to make space for a brand new cycle. I love to connect this "9" energy to the nines in tarot, but we'll have to talk about that one a little later.
For me, the nine energy aligns so beautifully with my work in Reiki and as a Priestess. Life is a sacred balance between doing and being, and if you look at the number 9, the “head” of the 9 looks to the left, back at the past. Its tail both grounds toward the left into past experiences, and also spirals that energy upward and inward.

That circular spiral at the head shows us where to move the energy in a "9 year." If we have old thoughts, limiting beliefs, and programming in our heads, it's okay to let go and to let that energy spiral down and out into our past. This year has an energy that truly supports us in releasing if we just let go of the old fear, the old anger, resistance, etc.
Likewise, a big part of the energy of this year is in how we choose to draw up energies, people, and spiritual experience of our past into our higher wisdom, or into the "head" of the 9. We can refer to past events if they bring us confidence and remind us of our strength. In those moments, drawing upon that energy will help us feel more confident in transformation.
By drawing past experiences up from our lower chakras into our upper chakras, we can gain greater insight into what we need in order to be successful. Just like our stomachs digest food, we’re integrating and digesting who we have been up to this point, in our higher centers–our brain and the upper chakras.
In my work, 9 is sacred to the Orisha Oya, who is also sometimes called “Mother of 9.” She’s a goddess of change and transformation. She wears a spinning skirt of rainbows, bringing the literal 'winds of change,' and she shoots the lightning of transformation and enlightenment through the sky. Oya teaches us that it’s okay to come to endings and completions. And in fact, that those completions are necessary to birth new things.
A “9” year often holds incredible potential for transformation and new thought. Especially if we ground our energy so that Oya's lightning can enlighten us without burning us down.
It's not lost on me that as I edit this post, there's a wildfire raging in southern California, and even here in the north, the sky has been intermittently full of warm wind. Everyone in LA county is in a state of flux and change. This is very much the energy of Oya, and we can expect more shifts and changes throughout the year.
--Although hopefully not more fire. The more our state proactively solves the basic maintenance issues around land, water, and electricity, the more we will ground Oya's energy this year so that change happens without drama.

In a 9 year, thought may be amplified. Psychic frequencies tend to become stronger. People are more prone to delusional thinking if the energy stagnates, so walking, drinking water, grounding energy, and drawing from the wisdom of family or friends can create a beautiful framework for clear and successful manifestations.
Our last “9” year was 2016, and before that it was 2007. If you’re uncertain of how this numerology will affect you personally, you can look at 2016 and 2007, noticing what those years were like for you.
For example, I birthed a child toward the end of 2007, and I welcomed critical friendships in 2016, but in both cases that came about after letting go of some old belief systems and closing out old cycles. Whatever we hold on to during a 9 year, will often go deeper and become a part of the new cycle over the next 9-10 years.
For me, 9 years are absolutely delightful and I've learned to "follow my bliss" as a means for naturally releasing what doesn't serve. It seems to work exceptionally well in a nine year.
This year, I’m focusing on creating space for deeper connection, both within myself and with my community. Part of how I’m doing that is through honoring this “9” energy of honoring and learning from the past as the baseline for new creations.

One more thing I’ll add, which I might explore in more depth in my newsletter, is that 2025 also holds a “5” energy. This is all about looking forward and drawing future aspirations down into our lower chakras to manifest. Through remembering our lessons of 2024, we’ll be better able to process and enjoy the fullness, the beauty, and the sparkling warmth that comes in due to the “5” energy.
Fives are connected to the Orisha Oshun, who is a goddess of love, pleasure, fun, and freedom. Oshun is also a powerful warrior who is able to effect change because her love is so deep. I really love that the 5 is coming in as a support to this year of transformation. It promises love and fun in the process.

I could share so much more about this year's starting astrology, but I mainly wanted to give you a place to begin in your private meditations on the energies you are welcoming in, this year.
The messages that numerology brings can inspire you in how you play with the energy and bring your dreams to fruition. Now, I happen to love the Orishas, especially Oya and Oshun, so seeing this year with their gentle hands in the mix, feels incredible.
But remember this is your life, and your practice; if you love working with the Angels, then look into angelic numerology. If you enjoy Vedic wisdom, you might be thrilled to discover the planetary associations with 9 (which also resonate with this year so far).
To me, the personal associations we discover with these numbers, are the most powerful. All of these reflections are only here to help you connect with inspiration as you create your amazing life in 2025. Blessings, and Happy New Year!

Do you have any questions about the numerology of 2025, or about your year as we set off on our journey? You can reach out to me through my contact page, to see if setting. upa private session for deeper work, would align with you right now. I love meeting new people! You can say hi, here.

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: www.SantaRosaReiki.com