In Person 90 min. Session
In Person 90 min. Session
An intuitive healing session, energy clearing, & wisdom
Time Just For You:
REIKI & INTUITIVE COACHING (90 MINUTE SESSION) I call on 30 years of Priestess craft and healing knowledge in a variety of modalities, so that we can meet your soul energy in exactly the way NEEDED for you. Some of my sessions lean heavily into shamanic healing, somatic breath work, Reiki, and ceremony, while others are focused on spoken transmission: reprogramming around limiting beliefs, and clearing of childhood wounds. You can tell me if you are seeking certain modalities or experiences. This link is specifically for an in person session in my Petaluma office. Please note, there are stairs at this location. Plan to leave an extra half hour in your personal calendar after session, for energetic integration and reflection!

Cancellation Policy
Your private session payment is *nonrefundable* from the moment you place your order, as Dailey begins preparing in depth for your session. We ask at least 48 hours notice if you need to reschedule. As a healing practitioner with your full health and safety in mind, Dailey reserves the right to refund and/or turn away students or clients at her sole discretion. You can see all of our policies on the Policies page of our website.