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Archangel Raziel ~ Week of June 7th 2021 ~ Spiritual Understanding

Updated: May 21, 2022

This week's oracle card is the ARCHANGEL RAZIEL with a beautiful message: "I am bringing you esoteric information and symbols, and helping you understand spiritual truths."

I like to think of Raziel as the cool hippie grandpa who smokes too much weed and wears colorful rainbow colored spandex, but in fact this archangel has never appeared to me in that form. It's just a fun, friendly way that I relate to the energy of Raziel's teachings. The archangel Raziel has a deep and strong understanding of all things spiritual, and it comes from Raziel's profound wisdom as a wizard and alchemist. Maybe I should be imagining Raziel as Gandolf the Grey, telling the dragon, "You Shall Not Pass?" And yet, whenever this card comes up, I'm reminded more of the jazzy cat in the Alice in Wonderland cartoon, speaking in the language of mysteries.

When you're hungry for wisdom and understanding, Raziel can help you see truth, all you have to do is ask. So this month, don't be afraid to ask. Open your palms and lift them up to sky. Ask the Archangel Raziel to be with you as you incorporate the eclipse energies of the last month, and the new moon of this week, allowing you to re-set your vision. Be open to seeing your life as you have never seen it before.

When our perspectives change, a whole new world opens up. What seemed to be a block, becomes a blessing. Doors that appear closed, may open. Remember the harder you push for understanding, the more resistance shows up. To receive, you must relax. Through mundane practices and simple witnessing, you can clear illusion this week to see why things are happening in your life as they are.

Use your daily Reiki meditation to ground and guide you in this inner search for wisdom. The angels always show up when we ask, especially if our mind is clear and open. if you're having trouble with daily meditation, take Reiki 1 Training, or review your past class lessons in the member portal of this website.

Enjoy a week of spiritual opening and illumination.


DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:

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